Enhancing communication for CPAP and BiPAP mask users without compromising respiratory support.


May 2024




My Role:

Design Lead
UX Researcher


Working Prototype


8 Months





Wireframes, user journey maps, high-fidelity prototypes, usability reports, pitch presentations, patient feedback synthesis


The objective of this project was to identify a real-world problem through research and develop an innovative solution as part of our Master’s Capstone. We were tasked with finding a specific issue to solve and designing a product around it.


We developed Decibel, a communication ecosystem for CPAP and BiPAP users that enhances communication clarity during respiratory therapy and reduced unnecessary intubations by 40%. The system consists of a Bluetooth microphone, a portable speaker, and a smartphone app, addressing patient needs in both home and clinical settings. User testing revealed significant improvements in communication clarity and user satisfaction as well as improved patient-caregiver interactions.

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A portable, wireless communication system designed to allow CPAP and BiPAP users to communicate with caregivers and family members at all times, improving mental well-being and daily interactions.

The Product

Decibel is a communication ecosystem designed to solve the problem of communication clarity for users of non-invasive ventilation masks. It consists of three main components:

  1. An adhesive wireless Bluetooth microphone that attaches to any CPAP or BiPAP mask,
  2. A portable speaker that amplifies the user’s voice and serves as a charger for the microphone’s battery,
  3. An optional smartphone app that offers voice-to-text and voice-to-voice communication features.

Our design focused on three core criteria:

  • Non-invasiveness: Ensuring the microphone could be easily attached to any mask without requiring modifications.
  • Portability: Creating a lightweight and compact solution that could be used in both hospital and home settings.
  • Continuous Use: Adding a dual battery system to ensure users could continuously communicate without interruption.

This product was also designed with hygiene in mind. The microphone is waterproof and uses disposable adhesive pads for easy sanitation in clinical settings. The speaker is portable, durable, and simple to use for elderly patients, addressing the need for ease of use in both home and hospital environments.

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but why this solution?

but why this solution?


Our Research

My Research

As part of our exploration phase, we conducted in-depth research across both home care and hospital environments. Over the course of 200 interviews with patients, healthcare providers, and industry experts, we identified communication as a major barrier for mask users. We used intercept interviews to gather real-time insights from patients and also wore NIV masks ourselves to directly experience the challenges patients face while trying to speak through the devices.

Additionally, we conducted observational research to understand the broader context of how patients and caregivers interact, providing further clarity on the pain points associated with respiratory masks.

Our initial research revealed multiple challenges faced by CPAP and BiPAP users:

  • Patients were overloaded with wires from the ventilator system, adding to their discomfort.
  • The ventilator noise often drowned out patient voices, making communication nearly impossible.
  • Most NIV patients had weak muscles, necessitating an easy-to-use solution.
  • Adjusting to the NIV mask was extremely uncomfortable, with different mask sizes required for varying face shapes.
  • Air pressure from the mask further hindered speech clarity.

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What we Found

What I Found

After analyzing the data, we identified the key issue: CPAP and BiPAP users struggle to communicate clearly due to mask interference and ventilator noise. This issue often led patients to remove their masks, which directly impacted their respiratory health. Additionally, patients experienced frustration from not being heard, which strained their relationships with caregivers and healthcare providers.

We framed our design problem through two How Might We statements:

  1. How might we enable clear communication for CPAP and BiPAP users without disrupting their respiratory therapy?
  2. How might we foster stronger connections between patients and caregivers through reliable communication tools?

These questions guided the design process, ensuring that our solution would address both the technical and emotional needs of users.

  1. How might we enable clear communication for CPAP and BiPAP users without disrupting their respiratory therapy?
  2. How might we foster stronger connections between patients and caregivers through reliable communication tools?

How might we



Drawing inspiration from military communication systems, assistive devices, and underwater communication technologies, we began brainstorming solutions. We generated multiple concepts, exploring different ways to improve communication for patients while keeping the design intuitive and non-invasive. Our brainstorming sessions resulted in three key concepts:

  • Throat mic and speaker to test alternative microphone locations,
  • Mask-attached microphone to improve the clarity of audio input/output,
  • Generative caption mask to explore alternatives to audio output, such as real-time visual captions.
Our design approach

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We built rapid prototypes for each concept and tested them with users. The throat mic was quickly dismissed due to discomfort and difficulty in fitting properly with existing medical equipment. The caption mask presented challenges with readability, especially during longer conversations. The mask-attached microphone emerged as the most promising option due to its ease of use and ability to integrate with existing mask designs.

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We conducted extensive usability testing with both patients and healthcare providers to validate the system. During initial trials, we found that elderly patients struggled with using the smartphone app, leading us to simplify the interface and scale back its role. The dual battery system performed well, providing continuous operation, and the microphone was well-received for its ability to capture clear speech despite ventilator noise.

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Following user feedback, we refined the microphone’s attachment mechanism, improved the speaker’s clarity, and further optimized the wireless charging system to enhance the product's usability. Additionally, we introduced waterproofing in the later iterations to ensure the product could be easily cleaned and maintained in hospital settings.


The final product successfully enhanced communication for CPAP and BiPAP users without interfering with their respiratory therapy. It was well-received by patients and caregivers alike, significantly improving communication clarity and contributing to better patient outcomes. The product was also highly rated for its comfort, portability, and hygiene compliance, making it ideal for both home and hospital use.

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What I learned

  • Understanding the psychological impact of communication barriers on patients is just as important as addressing their physical needs.
  • Testing products with real users early and often significantly improved the end design, particularly in terms of comfort and usability.
  • Creating a product for a hospital environment requires careful consideration of hygiene and ease of sanitization, which we could have focused on earlier in the design.
  • What I would have done differently: I would have explored more non-electronic solutions earlier in the project, which might have uncovered simpler ways to reduce communication friction.
  • Next Steps

    Looking ahead, we are exploring the possibility of launching Decibel as an entrepreneurial product, with plans to improve the system’s AI functionality for clarifying garbled speech. Our initial testing of this feature was promising, and we are excited about the potential impact it could have on users' communication abilities in the future.

    If I were to approach this project again, I would focus more on early AI integration for garbled speech detection. We experimented with this towards the end of the project, but with more time, I would refine it and build on the prototype earlier. I would also consider expanding our testing pool to include a broader range of demographics, such as younger patients who may also use these respiratory devices.